Wednesday, July 2, 2014

"Final Act of Ownership"

Did you ever start out to do something small, and it turned into a big deal?  Sometimes that happens when the small thing goes wrong, and fixing it is a big deal.  But sometimes the small thing just grows until suddenly you realize you have a big thing on your hands.  That’s the way my latest big thing started, and now I find myself with a big announcement to make.  I’ve written a book!

I started out writing a small “white paper” of sorts on the topic of selling a small business.  But the project grew as I realized that every sentence I wrote led to another piece of important information that business owners needed to know.  I found that there are really few resources available to the small business owner on this topic.  And many of them are written in a way that may be a little difficult to follow for most of us.  But owners of businesses that are valued less than $1.0 to $1.5 million really need some understanding of the business selling process.  So I wrote to fill that void.

So here are the details of my big announcement:  My book (boy, does that sound weird) is titled “Final Act of Ownership”.  It is available on Amazon in both ebook (Kindle) and print versions.  It covers the overview and basics of the business sale process.  It is meant to help owners understand what to expect, as well as how to prepare for a business sale that maximizes the valuation the owner might receive.  It will help take some of the mystery out of the process, which most of us only get to do once in our lifetime, in our final act of ownership.  So we want to get it right!

Millions of baby boomer business owners are poised to exit their businesses in the next several years.  If you know a few of them, my hope is that you will at least mention “Final Act of Ownership” as a resource worth reading ahead of their business sale.  It could literally mean the difference of tens, or even hundreds, of thousands of dollars in their nest egg at time of retirement.  And what a gift that can be to the business owner who has poured their life into their business and now hopes to harvest the business to serve the rest of their life as well.

I’m proud of the work, and believe that it will make a difference for readers.  Placing your order today at will help launch the book, and raise its stature on Amazon so that others will find it easily.  If you are interested enough to read “Final Act of Ownership”, I hope you’ll let me know how you like it.  I welcome your questions and comments on this topic in general.  You’ll be seeing more marketing for the book, and your help in spreading the word about it would be the best advertising any author could hope for.

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